
[Character 2] is… Gray!

Nickname(s): Gray, College Student with a Giant Scythe, Reaper, Lady-Guy-Person
Age: Who knows.
Gender: Again… who knows.
Species: Reaper

Birth date: They say that their ‘birthday’ is October 17.
Height: 6’2”

Accent/Dialect: None
Pitch: Low contralto-ish

Likes: Smokey, most humans (they find them amusing), collecting souls (because then the souls are at peace), flirting (well, they’re totally oblivious to it, and they accidentally do it all the time.)

Her mask (they’ll wear it, but they think it’s uncomfortable), murderers, hurting others, evil spirits (“How irritating…”), allergies, and bow ties. (Don’t ask why.)

Hobbies: Watching humans, reading (that’s why they know so much), reaping souls (it’s not exactly a hobby, but they don’t mind doing it), and exploring the world with Smokey. They also really enjoy sleeping.

Personality: Gray is very quiet and seems emotionless, but they’re quite innocent and often have a deadpan sense of humor to them. It’s very hard to tell what they’re feeling at any given moment. Gray also has a core of decency that takes a very long time to wear down.

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